Grievance Form

Library Regulations

  • The library will be opened on all working days from 8:45am to 4 pm.
  • Users must maintain silence inside the library and should obey the Library Rules and Regulations.
  • Students should enter their details into the Gate Register before entering the library.
  • Mobile phones and other electronic devices like laptops must be used for learning purposes, without causing disturbance to others.
  • Students are not allowed to bring food and drinks inside the library.
  • Reference books, Project Reports, Journals, Magazines and Newspapers are only for consultation within the library and are not to be taken out of the library.
  • Damage or loss of any library resources will be strictly viewed and appropriate actions will be taken.
  • The books borrowed should be returned within 14 days. If not, an overdue charge per day will be levied.
  • Issuance of library books is limited to 2 books for UG students and 3 books for PG students.
  • Students must report to the librarian immediately after loss of student library membership card.