Grievance Form

Yoga Club


Yoga club in our institution aims to promote harmonious health among the Students. The club motivates the students to participate in yogic practices through various activities. Yogic practices help to improve our flexibility, perfect our posture, relieve our stress, improve quality of life, and improve balance and concentration.


Our vision is to build a warm and inclusive space where our valued members feel comfortable to engage in healthy movement, breath, mindfulness and restoration.


Yoga is the effective tool to help students to have better body, fitness, flexibility, strength, stamina, better memory, sharp mind, increased working efficiency and health.


  • Yoga Club is a platform for the students to promote their harmonious health.
  • Give an idea about yoga and its benefits in health.
  • Provide opportunities for the students to experience yoga and learn basic asanas.

    • Convenor – Vincy Bin Aisha
      Assistant Professor
    • Faculty Co-ordinator - Ganga P S
      Assistant Professor