Grievance Form

Quiz Club


To reinvent the education system and give students a break from traditional classroom learning, there is a dire need to revive the quiz culture in schools and colleges. Quiz club is a unique and exciting way to motivate, inspire and encourage students in their quest for knowledge and provide them with the opportunity to enrich their knowledge. The quiz club aims at identifying students talented in quiz and creating opportunities for them to sharpen their quizzing skills.


"To foster a vibrant community of inquisitive minds by promoting a culture of curiosity, continuous learning, and intellectual engagement through challenging and enriching quiz activities."This vision encapsulates the club’s commitment to creating an environment where members are encouraged to expand their knowledge, develop critical thinking skills, and engage in friendly competition. The ultimate goal is to inspire lifelong learning and a passion for discovering new information.


  • To encourage students to expand their knowledge across various subjects through regular quizzes and interactive learning activities.
  • To enhance students' critical thinking and problem-solving abilities by engaging them in challenging quiz formats and competitions.
  • To promote a spirit of healthy competition, motivating students to strive for excellence and achieve academic and personal growth.


  • To create a group of young minds with quizzing talent.
  • To motivate, encourage and inspire students in their quest for knowledge and provides an opportunity to grow.
  • To expose the quizzing talents of students by involving them to conduct different quiz competitions.
  • To give them guidance on specific areas of quizzing and encourage them to participate in quizzes.
  • To develop general knowledge and update current affairs.

Functions of Quiz club

The main function of the club is to update the knowledge of the students in various fields like academics, general knowledge, analytical abilities, quantitative reasoning, etc. This club provides the students a valuable insight into non- academic aspects so that the students will get an opportunity to mould their career towards a higher level by keeping abreast of latest activities around the world

  • To assemble a group of quiz enthusiasts.
  • To introduce new pupils to the world of learning.
  • To give them guidance on specific areas of quizzing and encourage them to participate in quizzes.
  • To conduct interdepartmental Quiz competitions.
  • Periodical quizzes on specific themes will be held.


Chairperson : Principal
  • Convener : Rejeesh K K, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce
  • Members : Ramla K J, Asst. Professor, Department of Commerce
  • Akhillal S, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science

Standard operating procedure

SOP for conducting various activities under Quiz Club.

  • Meeting with members of the Club for taking decisions about activities.
  • Forwarding request letter to Principal.
  • Preparing notice for the relevant program after getting sanction from the Principal.
  • Preparing brochures for the program to inform students & teachers.
  • Preparing report with geotag photos.
  • Attendance of the participants (if required).
  • Certificate for the winners (if required).