Grievance Form

Social Outreach Club



A Social Outreach Club of KMM College of Arts and Science, Thrikkakara has been constituted with an aim to encourage and reach out to the society, conduct several social activities for students and staff. The club comprises of the faculties Kamal.V, Dhanya Kaladharan and student coordinators. The outreach activity club is an initiative to promote social welfareand awareness inthe society. The activities undertaken by the club addresses the core issues in the society and find ways to resolve the same and bring positive changes as well.


The need of a SocialOutreach Clubs in a higher educational institution is inevitable to enable the studentsto learnsocialresponsibility. The club focuses of helping the neighboring communities to transform themselves, enable students to develop people-oriented attitudes, and to imbibe the spirit of compassion for others. This will promote Skill development in the areas of leadership, communication, relationship, social analysis, community organisation, and so on. KMM College ofArts & Science has constituted the Social Outreach Club with the objective oftakes initiatives for the general social welfare which arouse the social conscience of the studentsand provide them an opportunity to work with the people

  • The Club pays attention to communityengagement activities that aims to create a positive impact on the local community through various programs and activities
  • The Outreach Programs focuses on addressing the social, economic, and environmental issues faced by the marginalized communities and provides opportunities for students and faculty members to engage in volunteerism and communityservice, and promotes awareness and advocacyon various issues such as health and hygiene, skill development, environmental conservation, and more.
  • It aims to train students to realize the societal needs and issues for creating sufficient awareness and understand the community requirements and concerns and come up with sustainable solutions for the same.


  • To Develop a sense of social among students towards civic responsibility
  • Utilize students’ knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems.
  • To conduct social service activities like cleaning the campus, planting trees, blood donation camps, etc
  • To Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude


  • Theclubaimstogiveachance forstudentstostimulate inthedevelopmentofstudents’ character and citizenship spirit by involving in community outreach activities, assist students to develop purpose, integrity, ethical practices, and civic responsibilities
  • Inculcatesocialwelfareinstudents, andtoprovideservicetosocietywithoutbias.
  • Toworkforthesocialdevelopmentofunderprivileged individuals,groupsand communities.
  • The Cellstrivesto make a significant contributiontoour communities and societythrough ourresearch,oureducationandawiderangeofactivitiesundertakenbyourstaff,students, and alumni.
  • Assist in the process of social integration and personal realization of underprivileged children, youngpeople,adults,andfamilies.GRCshallconsiderredressinggrievances within a reasonable time.
  • Thecellwillgive opportunitiestomakeapositive differencetothe lifeand futureofour region by taking socially responsible decisions that have real, beneficial, measurable impacts on the people and the world around us.

  • Convenor: Kamal V,
    Department of BBA
  • Member : Dhanya Kaladharan,
    Department of BBA