Grievance Form


The Nature club has introduced to spread the awareness among students and teachers about the importance of conserving nature. The club believes that natureitself teaches life’s lessons in its own ways and enables our young students to share their responsibilities in maintaining a healthy environment and to take stepsto avoid environmental degradation in their individual capacity as well as in a group.

Need for the club

In our college this club is formed with an aim to help ourstudents to reduce theirstress, improve concentration and increase time spent being physically active, encourage student to spend more time outside; and there are numerous opportunities to make that time spent in nature entertaining and educational.


  • To develop an interest in the natural environment among club members through seminars, workshops, field trips and publications.
  • To give awareness about the problems related to nature.
  • To motivate the students to plant more trees in the campus and home also.
  • Educating the students to reduce the usage of plastic in their daily life.
  • Field Photography - Photography competitions.
  • Awareness Talk & Workshops - talk about today’s relevant topics, or experience sharing with help of a resource person.
  • Tree plantation programs - Plantation of indoor and outdoor medicinal plants, Give awareness about medicinal plants to overcome the diseases.
  • Eco Fest - Various competitions like slogans, posters, Quiz, creating best outof e waste, paper bag painting, clay modelling etc.
  • One day Nature camps and Jungle treks.
  • Environmental Awareness Programme - spread awareness among local people regarding different environmental problems and effect of it in environment through slogans, posters and skits, theme street dance, videos
  • E- waste campaign - Competition have innovations with discarded materialslike broken bangles, copper wire, plastic bottle, newspaper, pots, buttons etc.

    Standard Operating Procedure

    SOP for conducting various activities under Nature Club.

  • Meeting with members of the Club for taking decisions about activities.
  • Forwarding request letter to Principal.
  • Preparing notice for the relevant program after getting sanction from Principal.
  • Preparing brochure for the program to inform students & teachers.
  • Preparing report with geotag photos.
  • Attendance of the participants (if required).
  • Certificate for the winners (if required).

    Club Members

    Convenor – Ms. Jean Patric

    Department of Commerce


    • Ms. Shafana A G
      Department of Commerce
    • Ms. Ammu K
      Department of Computer Science
    • Mr. Sidhin K Das
      Department of Commerce