Grievance Form



The Nature club has introduced to spread the awareness among students and teachers about the importance of conserving nature. The club is formed with an aim of helping our students to reduce stress, improve concentration and to encourage students in spending more time outdoors.


The club believes that nature itself teaches life’s lessons in its own ways and enables our young students to share their responsibilities in maintaining a healthy environment and to take steps to avoid environmental degradation in their individual capacity as well as in a group.


The nature club is focused to help students experience the wonder and wilderness of nature, to create awareness on environment and issues of conservation, thus promoting environment friendly lifestyles.


  • To develop an interest among club members in natural environment through seminars, workshops, field trips and publications.
  • To give awareness about the problems related to nature.
  • To motivate the students to plant more trees in the campus as well as home.
  • Educating the students to reduce the usage of plastic in their daily life.

    Club Members

    • Convenor – Ms. Jean Patric
      Department of Commerce
    • Ms. Ammu K
      Department of Computer Science
    • Anu Kuriakose
      Department of Computer Science