Internal Exam & Test Paper Cell
About Examination Cell
Internal Examination Cell has been constituted to ensure an effective and continuous
evaluation process ensuring the highest standards of integrity, quality and fairness
of examinations strictly following the rules and regulations.
The Examination Cell handled by a team of examination cell members. The team
consists of the senior faculty as a coordinator who is assisted by one faculty from
each department. The prime responsibility of the Examination Cell is to conduct the
examinations in a fair and systematic manner. Examination cell will have appropriate
infrastructure for generating question papers and other relevant confidential
Exam Cell Objectives
- To carry out internal examinations efficiently.
- Schedule the regular and improvement exams.
- Provide a proper mechanism to handle the internal grievances.
- Record maintenance.
Exam Cell Execution
Mrs. Sreelamol (Co-ordinator)
Mrs. Hazeena N A
Mrs.Reshma C R
Primary Functions of Examination Cell
- The College Academic Calendar indicates the tentative examination schedule for internal examination. Exact schedules are fixed by the academic council according to the university academic calendar and are conveyed to the staff and students through circulars.
- For each subject, the respective faculty member prepares a question paper on the basis of the curriculum. The Question Paper Scrutiny Committee is formed comprising of the Head of the Department and senior faculties as scrutinizers to check for the quality of the question paper.
- The next process involves sending the soft copies of the scrutinized question papers to the examination cell three days prior to the commencement of the examination. The examination cell arranges for sufficient number of question paper copies before the examination.
- A schedule for invigilation duty is prepared by the Exam Cell. The assigned faculty should perform the invigilation duty as per the norms and schedule.
- After exams, papers are collected by the invigilators and handed over to the Exam Cell along with attendance report. Exam Cell hands over the answer sheets to the corresponding department through Examination Co-ordinators within one day.
- Hall arrangements and seating arrangements are prepared by the Exam Cell. The retest, if required will be conducted by the department.
- In the beginning of each semester examination cell prepare the stationary requirements like papers, gadgets, tonners etc. and forward this to the administration wing. All the items are provided after the approvals from higher authorities.
Examination Rules
SOP for conducting various activities under the Cell.
- • A candidate is permitted to use geometric tools, non-programmable calculators and approved tables and data books only during the examinations. No other material / gadget (including cell phone) should be brought inside the examination hall.
- A candidate should neither possess / refer any forbidden material in any form nor should seek/obtain assistance in any form from any person / source towards answering the questions during the examinations. He/she should not assist other candidates in any form towards answering the questions during the examinations. The candidate should maintain discipline and decorum during the examinations.
- See that strict silence is maintained in the examination hall. Talking amongst candidates, borrowing of materials etc. should be strictly forbidden.
- Distribute the question paper at 9:30 am and ask the candidates to start writing
- Ten minutes before the closing of examination, along with the warning bell, announce ‘last ten minutes’ and do not allow any candidate to leave the room. After the last bell ask the candidates to stop writing and put their pens down.
- Collect the answer books and hand over the same with attendance list and unused answer books to the examination cell.
- No candidates shall be allowed to leave the examination hall till the expiry of half an hour after a question paper has been given out and no candidate who leaves the room during the period allotted for the paper shall be allowed to return within that period.
- Candidates who leave the examination hall more than half an hour earlier than the scheduled time for the close of the examination should surrender their question papers with their names .
- Violation of the above rules in any form during the examinations will attract punishment as per the guidelines.