Grievance Form

Library Services

  • Circulation Services

    Circulation refers to the process of checking out library materials to users. It also denotes the service desk where materials are issued and returned, as well as the library staff who manage these transactions
  • Reference Services

    Reference services are provided by the reference department to assist library patrons in accessing the information they need. This includes offering guidance, locating resources, and answering research-related queries.
  • Reprographic Services

    Reprographics involves reproducing documents or graphics using electrical or mechanical means such as photography, xerography, or scanning. This service enables patrons to create copies of library materials for personal or academic use.
  • Previous Year Question Papers

    The library maintains a collection of previous year question papers, organized subject-and semester-wise for easy access. These resources are invaluable for exam preparation and reference.
  • Project Assistance

    Librarians provide assistance in projects by offering relevant documents, guiding students in utilizing online databases, and helping them retrieve electronic resources effectively.